2014 Christmas

2014 Christmas

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

We spent the weekend with our friend Laurie down in Homer Memorial Day weekend & spent only 1 day on the water fishing - which was fine, because the weather was pretty crappy.  We took our friend Tuomo & his kids & neice fishing with us & caught a fair number of halibut.  We also caught an Irish Lord (which we haven't seen in awhile - used to catch them all the time).  Tuomo & I both caught skates too (kinda like sting-rays), but mine was the biggest - of course.  This is a picture of Tuomo's skate.  The one I caught was on one of our small salmon rods, so it was quite the fight.  We were really excited, because we thought it was going to be a big halibut & I had bought a derby ticket that day.  I fought him for about 30 minutes, but it seemed like longer.  When I finally got him to the boat, James couldn't even lift him out of the water because he was so heavy.  James wasn't sure, but he estimated it could have weighed a good 200 pounds or more.